Bringing In The New, Good Riddance To The Old

Sweeping changes are about to hit Vital Manchester City members right between the eyes. If you want to know more, please continue to read.

In order to say the words, ‘bringing in the new’ I need to say, ‘good riddance to the old.’ So here I go.


In three years we have seen many changes. In the beginning we had three message boards but as time went by that number increased somewhat. That is all about to change, but in saying that these changes were forced upon me. Those who have witnessed the last two weeks escapades will know exactly what I’m talking about.

As from Saturday 20th March 2010 I will be closing access to our all of our forums and in doing so I will be deleting the existing ones. Once access is restricted I will be busy building brand new boards, many of which may or may not be based on our previous and popular forums. You’ll just have to wait and see!

During the forum downtime (the front pages will not be affected and you will be able to read and post comments) I will be spending a whole day, yes a whole day reverting members points to zero. (It’s labour intensive but worth every second). Why, because we need to rebuild Vital Man City from its foundations and in doing so everyone begins on a level playing field. We start again.


Keyboard warriors that’s why. We need to revert the sites image to what it once was – family friendly. Over my period as editor and with the help of many of you we built up a certain degree of respect from our City peers. No slagging matches, no snide remarks but good old fashioned honest debate. I seem to remember being involved, or for that matter watching fantastic arguments develop but if in the end and if no compromise was made we agreed to disagree and we moved on. No hard feelings, no drunken rampages, we just shook hands and that was the end of it. Just think about it, that’s what forums are all about isn’t it? Debate, humour, taking the mickey out of the opposition but having a crack at the same time. Those days are sorely missed.

I can reveal the following, albeit many of the VMC faithful know what I’m about to say anyway…

Its taken years, blood and sweat but we have built ties with MCFC; and I know some of the clubs hierarchy (from time to time) pay us a visit. Not only that but current and ex-players and those in the media spotlight take a look at our site. I do not expect them to read abusive and threatening threads and posts against any individual member(s). Simple.

Break-away forum

Members who broke away and supported a certain individual and in doing so created their own forum. Well what can I say? As the saying goes, ‘if you live by the sword then be prepared to use it’!!

The above remark is not a challenge, in fact it’s meant to be thought provoking. Have a think why you followed that particular person and if you think his behaviour on VMC was acceptable even though he was banned 12 months ago for being abusive and well, being a bully… and after that I gave him a second chance, and yet he began his personal crusade yet again against certain members, then great. Stand by him.

My message is this – you are more than welcome to reregister but I make this clear. You follow my example or please, disappear into the ethos – I don’t want anything to do with you. Those included in the banning must contact me first via email before setting up a new account. Sorry but it’s the way it has to be. Oh and before I forget, there are two old members who are not welcome. You know who you are.

If I am a member of another City forum, now what?

It’s a free country and contrary to popular belief I believe in ‘respect for diversity’. It doesn’t matter if you post on one or ten forums. That choice is your – you are more than welcome to post on VMC as well.

New usernames

If anyone wants to change their username in preparation for the new forums, again, contact me.

Fresh start

I am only prepared to do this once and once only. This site is YOUR site but as editor I am the guardian, someone has to do it but while it’s my Watch you either support me or you don’t. The choice my friends is yours.

Vital Manchester City is for the fans; by the fans

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