Kaka – The Final Word

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Vital Manchester City new signing Derry has this to say about Kaka.

Almost as many column inches have been devoted to the reason for the failure of Manchester City’s audacious, yet doomed, bid for Kaka as there was to the initial news City were seriously attempting to buy him in the first place.

Silvio Berlusconi, a politician and talented PR-meister claimed partial credit for keeping Kaka. Kaka himself, allegedly said City ‘…did not have a clue…’ to his team mates. City meanwhile steadfastly state they,‘…never even spoke to the player…’ during the negotiations and claimed Milan ‘…bottled it..’ after underestimating the level of feeling amongst the Milanese for their star player.

Whatever the truth of the matter, the beatification in the press of Kaka for staying at Milan instead of accepting the riches of the City’s Arab owners has been astonishing. Equally astonishing is the opprobrium heaped upon City for daring to bid for the player in the first place.

Let’s get one thing clear though. Manchester City are not‘…ripping the heart out of football…’. It is the selling club that dictates the prices for players, not City. It is the greed of chairmen asking for silly money for their player that, in all reality, drives prices up.

As for the genius that is Kaka, I wonder if the same level of vitriol, pith and vinegar will be rained down upon him when AC Milan sell him to Real Madrid in the summer as his team mates David Beckham and Emerson have suggested, for what will no doubt be a very large fee?

I wonder if the press will level the criticism ‘hypocrite’ at him or will the hypocrisy remain, as ever, within the rank and file of British sporting journalism?

Many thanks Derry

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