Man City News

Manchester City v Liverpool – Anyone Nervous And Require Therapy?


Anyone clock watching? Anyone keeping themselves needlessly busy? Anyone suffering from a ‘wishy-washy’ stomach? If you have one, two, three or more of the above may I suggest you are not alone.

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My world seems to be in slow motion today. Weird!

I appreciate there is more to life than football. I know that. Thing is, as I sit and tap away at my keyboard all I want to do is jump in a time machine, set the dials for Wednesday, 11 April 2018, wake up and realise MCFC has qualified for the Champions League semi-finals.

My heart is pumping as if I’ve just finished a marathon. I’m feeling light headed, I mean, what the hell is the matter with me?

I haven’t bitten my finger nails in over 30 years, for gawd sake!

Will Manchester City overcome the Liverpool hoodoo?

«Манчестер Сити» — «Ливерпуль» прогноз на 10 апреля

My living room will be buzzing this evening. The beer will be flowing, I might even have a bottle of champagne, stashed away, chilling on ice (is that tempting fate?).

Who will be watching the game behind their sofas, or for that matter, curtains?

I hope the grand-kids have left enough room for yours truly.

Typical City

Not tonight, surely?

Anything can happen – don’t forget, this is Pep’s City!

We love Manchester City FC

Wouldn’t it be sweet if the lads can pull it off for Vinny?

As I come to the end of this load of old nonsense I have decided, once I’ve had a sharp intake of caffeine, even nicotine, to Google search a shack for sale in the Himalayas. Why, because I’ll be on the next plane to Tibet, with the sole intent of seeing my days out living as a mountain goat,  should City implode.

Come on CITY!

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