Man City News

Which Premier League Club Tops The Facebook League?

Image for Which Premier League Club Tops The Facebook League?

Facebook might not be everyone’s cup of tea but Manchester City FC and 19 other Premier League clubs certainly take their social media outlets very seriously.

Way before social media was ever invented football fans had to rely upon the local press, on this occasion the Manchester Evening News and their journalists to get to the bottom of stories / rumours or gossip coming out of the club (national press and MCFC sporadic press releases were the norm). It was either that or believe in what City wanted you to believe (I suspect the word is propaganda). Fanzines were another way for Blues to get closer to what was really happening at City.

In the here and now we have outlets who inform us within seconds of an event. Gone are the days whereby clubs can hide the truth or if they do, they’re finding it harder. In other words they have been forced to submit and take us fans a lot more seriously. Instant images and videos from fans who immediately upload onto the internet cannot be easily shirked or denied when the evidence stares you straight in the face.

In general, Facebook receives nearly 2 billion hits every month. Then we have a plethora of other networking sites such as YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit…the list goes on.

Back to Facebook

In December 2016 Martin Armstrong published a chart in which he researched the number of Facebook ‘likes’ for every Premier League club. Personally I’m not surprised the club that just happens to lead the way. Are you?

Infographic: Who

Progression and natural evolution will eventually see social media die a death, only to be replaced with something else. But with what?

Just in case you didn’t know…

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