Manchester City v Liverpool – Anyone Nervous And Require Therapy?

Anyone clock watching? Anyone keeping themselves needlessly busy? Anyone suffering from a ‘wishy-washy’ stomach? If you have one, two, three or more of the above may I suggest you are not alone.

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My world seems to be in slow motion today. Weird!

I appreciate there is more to life than football. I know that. Thing is, as I sit and tap away at my keyboard all I want to do is jump in a time machine, set the dials for Wednesday, 11 April 2018, wake up and realise MCFC has qualified for the Champions League semi-finals.

My heart is pumping as if I’ve just finished a marathon. I’m feeling light headed, I mean, what the hell is the matter with me?

I haven’t bitten my finger nails in over 30 years, for gawd sake!

Will Manchester City overcome the Liverpool hoodoo?

My living room will be buzzing this evening. The beer will be flowing, I might even have a bottle of champagne, stashed away, chilling on ice (is that tempting fate?).

Who will be watching the game behind their sofas, or for that matter, curtains?

I hope the grand-kids have left enough room for yours truly.

Typical City

Not tonight, surely?

Anything can happen – don’t forget, this is Pep’s City!

We love Manchester City FC

Wouldn’t it be sweet if the lads can pull it off for Vinny?

As I come to the end of this load of old nonsense I have decided, once I’ve had a sharp intake of caffeine, even nicotine, to Google search a shack for sale in the Himalayas. Why, because I’ll be on the next plane to Tibet, with the sole intent of seeing my days out living as a mountain goat,  should City implode.

Come on CITY!

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